Join a lot of points in Path Profile
I'm basically new to global mapper, Is There some way to automatically join all those points for the path profile instead of joining them one by one
I'm basically new to global mapper, Is There some way to automatically join all those points for the path profile instead of joining them one by one
Try this:
- Select the points with the Digitizer Tool (or Right-click the layer and choose SELECT)
- Right-click in the workspace > Advance Feature Creation Options > Create Line Feature from Selected Points
Doesn't seems to work, still when i use path profile still ask me to select point by point. I forgot to write that the points were exported from a Google Earth Route
After you create your line:- Select the line
- Right-click and choose Analysis/Measurement | PATH PROFILE - Generate Path Profile Along Line(s) from the context menu.
Bob -
bmg_bob said:Hello,
After you create your line:- Select the line
- Right-click and choose Analysis/Measurement | PATH PROFILE - Generate Path Profile Along Line(s) from the context menu.
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