Pixels to Points
As a long time globalmapper user, I've recently discovered the pixels to points tool and in my evaluation sofar i am excited.
I often work with large UAV datasets and when i loaded one just now it appears that there is a limit for 999 images in the inputimage file dialogue.
Can anyone confirm this is the case?
If this is the case, does anyone know if this is likely to be increased in the future?
I often work with large UAV datasets and when i loaded one just now it appears that there is a limit for 999 images in the inputimage file dialogue.
Can anyone confirm this is the case?
If this is the case, does anyone know if this is likely to be increased in the future?
I don't have an answer to your question, but - Wow! That's a lot of images in your dataset! I've never run into that, thankfullyExactly how many images do you often work with that exceed 1000?Are you processing them in P2P with highest quality and full size?And what hardware are you using for such a monstrous assignment?
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