Problem between GM vs. 19 and Arcmap 10.3: file Normal.mxt
Hi, I installed version 19 of Global Mapper, and I would like to ask you if you have already encountered compatibility problems between this version of Global mapper and version 10.3 of ArcMap. In practice since GM Arcmap function has been installed perfectly it highlights a problem when you open Arcmap in the disjunction of the menus placed at the top (the strip with File, Edit View, Bookmarks, etc. and all the Exstensions displayed.What happens? When I build my pane with the menus and the Extensions the program saves this custom configuration in a NORMAL.MXT file that is re-updated every time you save an MXD project.From when I installed GM vs. 19 this does not happen anymore and every time it is necessary replace the menus: there is an incompatibility between the two programs? Thanks and regards, Piero Favino
I can't think of anything in Global Mapper that would cause those issues in ArcMap. You should contact Blue Marble Geographics Support directly via email ( They would know if any other customers have reported something like this.
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