Is there a way to load an orthomosaic from Pix4D over LiDAR laz point cloud and colorize the data?
I am able to load both orthomosaic and LiDAR data at the same time and have them over lay. I am trying to colorize the LiDAR data with the ortho. When i click the Pixel to Point tool and try to import my .tiff i get an error saying that my ortho does not have any EXIF information. Any help would be great!
The LiDAR toolbar offers an option to apply color to LiDAR points from an image layer. You should use that instead of the Pixel to Point tool.
Bob -
bmg_bob said:Hello,
The LiDAR toolbar offers an option to apply color to LiDAR points from an image layer. You should use that instead of the Pixel to Point tool.
Bob -
The image layer would be your orthomosaic, not the individual pictures.
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