Projection information not in exported LAS file. How can I fix this?
I imported a LAS file**, clipped it, and exported it. For some reason the projection information is not being written to the exported LAS file.
- My projection is set in Global Mapper (Tools - Configure... - Projection)
- I have checked the "Save Projection in LAS/jLAZ header" in the export LiDAR dialog
- I have saved in the 1.2, 1.4 and I still can not see the information in 3rd party software (QT Reader).
**The original LAS file has the correct projection information when opened in 3rd party software packages (QT Reader).
- My projection is set in Global Mapper (Tools - Configure... - Projection)
- I have checked the "Save Projection in LAS/jLAZ header" in the export LiDAR dialog
- I have saved in the 1.2, 1.4 and I still can not see the information in 3rd party software (QT Reader).
**The original LAS file has the correct projection information when opened in 3rd party software packages (QT Reader).
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