Global Mapper Mobile:
I have 2 licenses ONE IS VERSION 18...THE OTHER VERSION 19.
In version 19 I generate contours from LIDAR and mix in CAD property lines. The download to iPhone. GPS marker shows me in the correct location in the field.
However, the version 18 computer does not work correctly. All is created fine. It also downloads fine. However, the LAT / LON is incorrect. It downloads showing a location near the equator....I'm in Ohio. So, the LAT/LON somehow gets to be incorrect. I work using Ohio state plane coordinates. What magic key do I use to rectify?
In version 19 I generate contours from LIDAR and mix in CAD property lines. The download to iPhone. GPS marker shows me in the correct location in the field.
However, the version 18 computer does not work correctly. All is created fine. It also downloads fine. However, the LAT / LON is incorrect. It downloads showing a location near the equator....I'm in Ohio. So, the LAT/LON somehow gets to be incorrect. I work using Ohio state plane coordinates. What magic key do I use to rectify?
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