Apply and display slope attribute to trail route in 10m segments (or similar)
Hi GM,
I am working on some maps of ski trails. The trails are all surveyed and I have a nice lidar-derived DEM layer for the location.
I would like to display the trails colour-coded along their lengths according to slope, to show how the gradient varies. I have chosen an increment of 10m as a suitable length for each trail segment. I have subdivided an example trail into 10m segments via:
Crop/combine/split functions>Split at specified spacing
Having done this, Analysis/Measurement > Measure confirms that each trail segment has all the standard stats calculated. However I have not found a way to use the slope variable as an attribute in terms of how the line segments are displayed. I would like to use some sort of logical colour scheme to show the steepness of the gradient for each 10 m section. When I select the whole segmented trail I can go to Attribute/Style Functions and then the obvious selection would seem to be Add Style Attributes to Selected Features, but when I click that, nothing happens. Maybe I am approaching this the wrong way. Suggestions appreciated.
GM 17.1.0
I am working on some maps of ski trails. The trails are all surveyed and I have a nice lidar-derived DEM layer for the location.
I would like to display the trails colour-coded along their lengths according to slope, to show how the gradient varies. I have chosen an increment of 10m as a suitable length for each trail segment. I have subdivided an example trail into 10m segments via:
Crop/combine/split functions>Split at specified spacing
Having done this, Analysis/Measurement > Measure confirms that each trail segment has all the standard stats calculated. However I have not found a way to use the slope variable as an attribute in terms of how the line segments are displayed. I would like to use some sort of logical colour scheme to show the steepness of the gradient for each 10 m section. When I select the whole segmented trail I can go to Attribute/Style Functions and then the obvious selection would seem to be Add Style Attributes to Selected Features, but when I click that, nothing happens. Maybe I am approaching this the wrong way. Suggestions appreciated.
GM 17.1.0
Anyone? Any ideas appreciated. thanks.
Rob -
Hi Rob,
Here is something you can try (assumes that all of your segments are in the same layer):- In the Control Center, select the layer that contains your trail segments.
- Click Options...
- On the Vector Options screen, click on the Line Styles tab.
- Choose "Apply Styling Based on Attribute/Name Values"
- Under "Attribute/Name to Base Style On", choose the slope attribute
- You will need to set up a style for each value. You can use the "Init from Values..." button to help with this task.
- After setting up the styles, click OK.
- Each segment should now be given a color based on its slope.
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