Calculate slopes in GM18?
I have an elevation grid (DEM) and want to calculate the slopes for the whole map (not just view them). I keep seeing references to export in "Float/Grid format" and checking the "slopes" option...but my export options don't include either of those choices. How do I make a raster of slopes and slope directions?
Try this:- File | Export | Export Elevation Grid Format...
- Select Export Format dialog, choose Float/Grid File
- Click OK
- Float/Grid Export Options dialog has several options related to exporting slope or slope direction values instead of elevation. Are you saying that those options are not on your Float/Grid Export Options dialog?
Bob -
Thanks. I was stuck thinking that the Export Format pull down was only specifying the file format. It seems like it would be more direct to allow that as a calculation under Analysis that could then be exported in any raster format, but this works.
how to get the slope by percentage
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