Creating horizon line
I was wondering if it's possible in some way to create a list of points describing the horizon line as seen from a specific point based on terrain data. It should be a list with a column of azimuth values and a column of angle values where the angle is the one at which you can see the sky over the terrain.
I was wondering if it's possible in some way to create a list of points describing the horizon line as seen from a specific point based on terrain data. It should be a list with a column of azimuth values and a column of angle values where the angle is the one at which you can see the sky over the terrain.
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The sampling for this calculation should ideally be 1 degree for both columns. Also a scripting solution is fine.
Any help in this matter is welcome,
Thanks and best regards.
The sampling for this calculation should ideally be 1 degree for both columns. Also a scripting solution is fine.
Any help in this matter is welcome,
Thanks and best regards.
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