GM_ExportWebFormat() hangs
SDK v18.2.1 32-bit
Visual Studio 2013
Windows 10
The function GM_ExportWebFormat() hangs when attempting to export Web Tiles (OpenStreetMap). Please see the attached test VS2013 project. Upon executing GM_ExportWebFormat(), a progress dialog pops up and does not change from 0%. After a short moment, you can no longer interact with it and Windows marks the application as "Not Responding". In a previous version of the SDK (v14.2), the export proceeds successfully.
On a side note, if the line with the GM_ExportWebFormat() call is commented and the project is run from the VS2013 debugger, an unhandled exception occurs. This happens upon exiting the main() function and trace places the it in a function call within the GM DLL with the following error:
Unhandled exception at 0x7793507C (ntdll.dll) in gm_export_hang.exe: 0xC000000D: An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function.
This does not occur if the application is run from commandline or launched from Windows Explorer.
Much mahalo!
Visual Studio 2013
Windows 10
The function GM_ExportWebFormat() hangs when attempting to export Web Tiles (OpenStreetMap). Please see the attached test VS2013 project. Upon executing GM_ExportWebFormat(), a progress dialog pops up and does not change from 0%. After a short moment, you can no longer interact with it and Windows marks the application as "Not Responding". In a previous version of the SDK (v14.2), the export proceeds successfully.
On a side note, if the line with the GM_ExportWebFormat() call is commented and the project is run from the VS2013 debugger, an unhandled exception occurs. This happens upon exiting the main() function and trace places the it in a function call within the GM DLL with the following error:
Unhandled exception at 0x7793507C (ntdll.dll) in gm_export_hang.exe: 0xC000000D: An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function.
This does not occur if the application is run from commandline or launched from Windows Explorer.
Much mahalo!
I'm looking into the error you are having. In the meantime we just fixed a similar issue in 18.2 so you might try our latest build found here:
We haven't figured out what is causing this in 18.2 but it is fixed in version 19 which is now available on our website:
If you want to try using version 19 to make sure that it does in fact work for you. Just send a request for an eval license to -
Aloha Aaron!
After playing with the issue a bit more, I believe I localized the issue and found a workaround. I think there is an issue with the WinGDI/UI code, because when I set a callback via GM_SetProgressCallback(), the progress dialog doesn't show and the export proceeds normally.
Much mahalo for your time and support in looking into the issue!!
P.S. If the above gives you insight to a quick and simple fix, please let me know. We won't be able to upgrade to v19 for a while.
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