Mobile Mapper GPS
Global Mapper User
in GPS Features
Just started to work with the Mobile mapper software on my iOS device. I can click on the icon to show location, but curious why that doesn't zoom into your current location? What am I missing? Doesn't make sense that I have to zoom into my location manually. I was hoping this app would allow me to push out large datasets to my end users with good mapping capabilities. I would say I am in the early stages of reviewing the application, but find it extremely lacking in any real GPS mobile app functionality. Will continue to research, but wondering if folks have implemented this newer tool as part of a field data collection configuration.
The zoom to location feature could certainly be useful, and I have opened an enhancement request for this (22618).
We are currently in the early planning phases of Global Mapper Mobile 2.0. We would be very interested to know more about what features you, and others, would find useful and how you would like to use the application in your work. You may post your suggestion here or submit them to directly to BMG support via email (
I have users that cover large areas (Southern ID, Northern NV/UT, and Southern OR). The datasets I need to provide to them include mostly vector data - Grazing allotments and pastures, surface ownership, Key sites along with a 24K topo raster background.
1. zoom to GPS location (should be default)
2. maintain symbology (haven't tested this yet)
3. Attributes - ability to have domains/drop downs for easy attributing in the field
4. Attach Photos - I know this ability is already there - would like to choose or assign a default app - I use a camera app that puts long/lat, bearing and such in the photo. Work-around is to take the photo with the app and pull from library.
5. basemaps - would love to save different basemaps to app and be able to choose from list.
Those are some of the main items I'm looking for.
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