Sentinel - Copernicus Satellite Imagery in GM
Has anyone utilized Sentinel -Copernicus satellite imagery from Europeans Space Association in GM????
There are updated images every few days for almost everywhere on the planet (I believe), but I haven't been able to utilize the data at all. Problems are: format, uv and other bands outside of visible spectrum, huge file sizes of 4gb, giant surface areas larger than needed.
I am wondering if there is a way to load a bounded section directly into GM, rather than downloading entire large files.
Also, please advise on how different color bands are utilized in your applications.
I would like to have a way to select which files, dates, and have GM filter, constrain, to my bounds, and load.
There are updated images every few days for almost everywhere on the planet (I believe), but I haven't been able to utilize the data at all. Problems are: format, uv and other bands outside of visible spectrum, huge file sizes of 4gb, giant surface areas larger than needed.
I am wondering if there is a way to load a bounded section directly into GM, rather than downloading entire large files.
Also, please advise on how different color bands are utilized in your applications.
I would like to have a way to select which files, dates, and have GM filter, constrain, to my bounds, and load.
I've been using the SNAP desktop or the GeoSage processor, to create images and then bring them into GM.
For a bounded area the simplest answer might be to use the Sentinel2Look website.
You can zoom in on your area of interest then export a Geotiff of the screen image,
Also, I have been using its sister LandsatLook to export Landsat8 Geotiffs of my area then display them in GM.
An example of a Sentinel 2 image processed by Geosage and the clipped image from the Sentinel2Look website.
I used images from separate dates to exaggerate the different areas.
FYI the big city is Mosul, Iraq.
Interesting. Thank you for commenting.
I expected resolution superior to Google Earth but what images I am seeing are not at all crisp.
Do you cycle through pictures from various dates to obtain a better choice?
What type of resolution are you able to obtain for zooming in on selected sites?
Do you work only with visible bands or also with other multispectral bands of the images?
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