How to combine multiple .mbtiles files into single one ? (purpose is to web upload)
Hello All,
We are working on one state having many districts. We have few districts satellite images are available separately. We exported them separately as '.mbtiles' .
Now we want to make single '.mbtile' of those do we proceed ?
Option 1 : We do not have continuous satellite images in between is white blank space and while exporting those we are getting warning message and its saying that export area is to huge it can create problem..
What is exactly ? and how do we combine many .mbtiles images ? Our objective is that we want to publish it on web so insted of many files ,single mbtile file would better..
Softwares : Global Mapper ,QGIS ,Open layers & Geoserver
Please check attached screenshots for reference
We are working on one state having many districts. We have few districts satellite images are available separately. We exported them separately as '.mbtiles' .
Now we want to make single '.mbtile' of those do we proceed ?
Option 1 : We do not have continuous satellite images in between is white blank space and while exporting those we are getting warning message and its saying that export area is to huge it can create problem..
What is exactly ? and how do we combine many .mbtiles images ? Our objective is that we want to publish it on web so insted of many files ,single mbtile file would better..
Softwares : Global Mapper ,QGIS ,Open layers & Geoserver
Please check attached screenshots for reference
We do ave good processor machine having 8 GB Ram ,Win. 7 (64 bit) OS..
From that image, it is difficult to be sure, but it appears that you are exporting a large area (most of which is blank) at a high resolution, and exporting a lot of zoom levels. Here is another approach that should work:- Load one of the layers.
- File -> Export -> Export Web Format..., and choose MBTiles
- Tiling Options: Set your zoom levels, and other options
- MBTiles Options: Remove check next to "Delete Intermediate Tile Files", and choose a Location directory.
- Click OK to perform the export
- Load the other layer
- File -> Export -> Export Web Format..., and choose MBTiles
- Tiling Options: Set your zoom levels, and other options
- MBTiles Options: Remove check next to "Delete Intermediate Tile Files", and choose the same Location directory as you used above. You may get a warning about the directory not being empty, but you can ignore it.
- Click OK and choose an MBTiles file name that is different from the one you used previously. After you are done, this one should contain all of the tiles from both layers.
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