JPEGs with EXIF data not referencing their location
Trying to load in a bunch of JPEGs with coordinates in the EXIF data but when they are brought in it all goes to the same point.
The option for JPEG: Use EXIF data is checked.
Thinking it might be something simple.
Just updated to v18.1
Trying to load in a bunch of JPEGs with coordinates in the EXIF data but when they are brought in it all goes to the same point.
The option for JPEG: Use EXIF data is checked.
Thinking it might be something simple.
Just updated to v18.1
I have never had this problem. Is the EXIF data correct for each image or is there perhaps an issue with the camera? Can you maybe post a couple of test images?
Hi Guys, I have the same problem - I have GeoTagged photos, which were positioned correctly in v 17, but going in one place in new one - 18.1. It looks like the software is reading metadata incorectly, how can I fix it, need that to work urgently! By the way I am using same gmw file.
As you can see on the picture - thousands of photographs in 2 locations, and all on the same coordinates, all are geotagged and were working in v 17.
This is a known issue that has been resolved. The fix is available in GM 18.1 daily builds. Simply download the appropriate installer and run it to install the latest build.
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