Does elevation data export processing use multiple cores?

Global Mapper User
I am exporting very large GridFloat FLT elevation files and wondering why doesn't this processing take advantage of multiple CPU cores? These files are taking about 7-8 hours to process (8 GB size) and only using a single CPU. I am writing to an extremely fast 1.2 TB Intel 750 Series NVMe PCIe SSD drive, so I know that is not the bottleneck, it's just that Global Mapper is not taking advantage of anything using only 8% of my processing power, and 92% sitting idle.
I thought I had seen that multi-core processing was enabled in v16.2? Is this correct? What processes take advantage of it? Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?
Painfully waiting for my processes to finish...
GM v17.2.1
GM v17.2.1
atvanwie said:I thought I had seen that multi-core processing was enabled in v16.2? Is this correct? What processes take advantage of it? Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?
Best regards,
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