Mass Exportation of separate layers into separate KMZ files?
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Let’s say I have 26 different layers, each one a line. Is there any way to export each layer as a separate KMZ -- all at one time -- without having to export each line / layer separately? All would have the same export settings.
I would think not, but hope I am wrong! Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
I am using latest build, v18
Why is it seeing my post as "Answered"?? How do I undo this? All I did was try to add something to my original post. Aargh
Swoody said:Why is it seeing my post as already answered?? How do I undo this? All I did was try to add something to my original post. Aargh
Bob -
bmg_bob, I was worried that if I rejected my own comment, it might hurt my user standing.
I didn't initially see how to edit my original post - was expecting the "edit" cog wheel to be where it is for all comments, but I see it now up in the blue area. Thanks, as always!
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