Edit point cloud in 3D View
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
in Vector Data
Is there a way to select multiple lidar points in the 3D view for editing like you can in plan view?? I am looking for a way to manually clean up or classify in the 3D view.
Yes, you can ctrl-left-click to add individual points to the selection. Currently no lasso selection in 3D view.
The next best thing is to do a "path profile" with a selected corridor width. If the terrain is not extremely rugged this allows you to select a wide corridor and view outlying high and low point and also allows you to lasso select.
Thanks for the suggestions. The lasso selection is really what i need, since manually picking is not feasible.
We use the path profile as well, but directly in the 3D view would be ideal. -
I am looking for a way to lasso select points in 3d view. I am using version 19.1. Is this possible yet? It would be very useful to me. Thanks.
Hi -- I've added item #24795 for this feature request. We'd probably want sweep selection to apply to other feature types as well. We'll post back here when this is implemented.
Thanks for the suggestion,
~Jeff -
Any news on this feature? Data is a lot easier to visualize in 3d and this lasso feature would help a lot to speed up our data clean up process.
Hi sgarceau,
No news at this time, but sweep select (lasso/whatever) is on our radar. The biggest barrier that I see is how to add it to the UI, since the left mouse down/mouse move/left mouse up action is already used for 3D view rotation, which is also useful in selection. So figuring out what makes sense in that case is where we're at now. We'll figure it out -- stay tuned.
Best regards,
~Jeff -
Is this still being considered? Would like to see it still.
Me too!
Hi -- yes, sweep selection is still being considered: it's Issue #16464 in our tracking system.(item #24795 above was a duplicate).. I've added a couple more to the ticket's 'customer request' count, so hopefully it'll get bumped up in priority.
~Jeff -
Any word about this feature?
Add me to the customer request count, I've been keeping an eye out for this as well.
The task for 3D Sweep Selection, referenced above, was implemented in Global Mapper 22.0.
Bob -
Yes, I just saw this in the version notes. Thanks.
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