Color points by elevation - again
Similar questions have been asked, but I have not found an easy answer.
I have a DEM and a bunch of independent GPS elevations. I now know how to extract the DEM elevations at the x,y locations of the GPS points, and have calculated the difference (DEM minus GPS) outside GM18, so I have an x,y,z file with z being the differences. Now I want to import those points and color them on top of the DEM, but not using the same color scale. For example, the DEM might be a gray scale, but I want points that are a few cm high to be red and those that are low to be blue.
Calling those Lidar points is a start, and I can exaggerate the elevation (difference) scale, but can't change the color scheme.
Or, I could call them points, but I have not figured out how to easily define way .
I have a DEM and a bunch of independent GPS elevations. I now know how to extract the DEM elevations at the x,y locations of the GPS points, and have calculated the difference (DEM minus GPS) outside GM18, so I have an x,y,z file with z being the differences. Now I want to import those points and color them on top of the DEM, but not using the same color scale. For example, the DEM might be a gray scale, but I want points that are a few cm high to be red and those that are low to be blue.
Calling those Lidar points is a start, and I can exaggerate the elevation (difference) scale, but can't change the color scheme.
Or, I could call them points, but I have not figured out how to easily define way .
I believe there is no option to assign color to XYZ points in GM, we can use Terrascan for assigning but classification is required.
Hope you got it.
I may be misunderstanding your question, but as far as I am aware, making points of differing values appear as different sizes, colours or symbols is easy to do. I attach an example.- Open the file as points, not LIDAR.
- Go to the vector options and select point styles tab and then "Apply Styling Based Upon Attribute/Name Values"
- Select you attribute to base your style on and then create entries using the new value button (see image)
- Various options are available.
When you have ceated all the entries you want, you can save a style file for future use.
Is there a way to show these point styles on a legend?
Go to the "Map Layout Editor", "Display Options" and then "Map Legend". Check out the oprions for legend based on vector types (see image).
OK...that sounds like it might work A more basic question: how do I look at the .jpg examples you included? Clicking on those links just reloads the discussion in another window, at least on my Chrome browser.
csherwood said:OK...that sounds like it might work A more basic question: how do I look at the .jpg examples you included? Clicking on those links just reloads the discussion in another window, at least on my Chrome browser.
Bob -
A bit late to the conversation, however if the points are very closely spaced you only see the black boundaries of the points given in the example. This would be the case for closely spaced points. There is a solution to import as a line, the break up the line into segments however this is exceedingly tedious.
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