Drop multiple image files on GM
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
is it possible when dropping multiple image files to be georeferenced on GM to have the option of all the files to be automatically loaded around a selected point in GM? instead of having to click the location of all the "Picture Points" one by one, to select only one location and have multiple picture points created within say a 50m radius of a location?
Ideally we would be asked by GM and define such a radius.
let me know your thoughts.
is it possible when dropping multiple image files to be georeferenced on GM to have the option of all the files to be automatically loaded around a selected point in GM? instead of having to click the location of all the "Picture Points" one by one, to select only one location and have multiple picture points created within say a 50m radius of a location?
Ideally we would be asked by GM and define such a radius.
let me know your thoughts.
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