Custom Lidar layer
Hi all,
I have just started looking at the SDK for creating an extension which is required to connect to a "point cloud" server and stream lidar points in.
From a quick read over of the api it would appear the functionality at create lidar points is not exposed?
also in the documentation for set lidar point is:
"Note this could be extremely slow if you are modifying very large numbers of Lidar points. If you need to do that, contact us and we can add a new mechanism for editing Lidar data that is efficient for large sets." Has such a mechanism been added since, if not what would be the time frame for this feature?
Also with the sdk is there any examples of creating a custom raster layer talking to a tile server?
I found the raster import plugin API(, so the last question about custom rater layer is self explanatory now
Is there a similar API for lidar points that i havent found yet?
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