JPG Export Option setting not retained between exports
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
in Bug Report
This is a strange quirk of GM for a couple of versions now. The short explanation is that many export option values (strings, booleans, etc) are retained between export sessions. This is desirable behavior, since it cuts down on having to set these values from scratch on the next export. However, there is one setting under the "Tile Naming" section of the JPG Export Options that seems to revert to a default value. This setting is "Columns: Start at" (see picture). This value always reverts to "1", no matter what value you had set previously. This feels like a bug, since it's sister setting -- "Rows: Start at" -- seems to properly retain its setting between exports.
It would be very helpful if this setting would not continue to reset itself between export sessions -- sometimes it gets missed and causes geo-inaccuracies on the export.
It would be very helpful if this setting would not continue to reset itself between export sessions -- sometimes it gets missed and causes geo-inaccuracies on the export.
I agree. This looks like a bug. I have added item #20262 to our task list so we can look into this problem. We will post a message on this thread when a fix is available.
Bob -
Since I have advocated for this before, this is just a reminder so it doesn't slip into a crack.
I would prefer many settings to be saved in the current workspace file. I jump around between several projects during the day, and I am frequently bitten by settings for a different project when my fingers are faster than my memory, and I have to re-do a procedure to reconfigure the settings appropriate for that project.
Again, the priority is (least to most):
1. program defaults
2. personal defaults
3. project / workspace defaults
We have a similar process for our in-house data processing programs, and it makes our products much more uniform. These settings are stored in configuration files: (2) are in the program folder, and (3) are in the workspace folder.
Thanks for remembering (!),
Bug #20262 has been fixed.
This fix will be in Global Mapper 18 daily builds dated December13, 2016, or later. Simply download the appropriate installer and run it to install the latest build.
@Mykle, we have an open feature request (#18576) for the changes that you have requested...we haven't forgotten.
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