Is there a way to automatically insert an area/drawing/object on each selected vertex?
Im drawing buoy arrays on protected areas. The areas are some square km, and adding buoys every 10m it's a hard task if done manually. I've already found a way of adding vertex/points every X meters through a drawn line. So what I would need to do now is to add a drawn area (of 2x1 meters) on every point. I'm talking here on several hundreds of buoys, so doing it manually will be quite exhausting. If anyone knows a way of easily adding an object/drawn area to every selected vertex, or to add the areas/ objects every X meters on a line (as the vertex) I will appreciate it a lot.
Thank you very much for your help.
Im drawing buoy arrays on protected areas. The areas are some square km, and adding buoys every 10m it's a hard task if done manually. I've already found a way of adding vertex/points every X meters through a drawn line. So what I would need to do now is to add a drawn area (of 2x1 meters) on every point. I'm talking here on several hundreds of buoys, so doing it manually will be quite exhausting. If anyone knows a way of easily adding an object/drawn area to every selected vertex, or to add the areas/ objects every X meters on a line (as the vertex) I will appreciate it a lot.
Thank you very much for your help.
Assuming you are working with point features:- Use the Digitizer to select the point features around which you want to add rectangles
- Right-click and choose Create Area/Polygon Features | RANGE RING
- When prompted, click Yes to create range ring(s) around your selected points
- Choose the option to Create Range Ellipses
- Put your Y distance in the Major Axis field, and your X distance in the Minor Axis field.
- Select the appropriate unit
- Put a check next to "Create Bounding Rectangle(s) instead of Ring(s)/Ellipse(s)
- Click OK
Bob -
It worked beautifully.
Thank you very much Bob for you quick, simple and helpful reply.
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