"Interpolate to fill small gaps in data" -method
Hi all,
I have a few topo-bathy lidar datasets all referenced the same that I am merging together in Global Mapper. Due to the dynamic nature of the nearshore environment, the datasets are not perfectly lined, resulting in a some gaps in the data. I used the "interpolate to fill small gaps in data" when exporting the various datasets to one, cohesive topo-bathy grid.
What does global mapper use for an intepolation method to fill these gaps?
Thanks in advanced.
I have a few topo-bathy lidar datasets all referenced the same that I am merging together in Global Mapper. Due to the dynamic nature of the nearshore environment, the datasets are not perfectly lined, resulting in a some gaps in the data. I used the "interpolate to fill small gaps in data" when exporting the various datasets to one, cohesive topo-bathy grid.
What does global mapper use for an intepolation method to fill these gaps?
Thanks in advanced.
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