Global Mapper v25.0

Below zero data not displayed


I'm working with two sets of DEM data for elevations above zero, ASTER GDEM V2 and ALOS WORLD 3D, both at 30m horizontal resolution, and one for elevations below zero, EMODnet DEM, at 1/8 arc horizontal resolution. I clean each data set with Alter Elevation Values 0.01 elevations for the topographic data, and -0.01 for the bathymetric one. Then I merge ALOS and ASTER, giving priority to the former (better vertical resolution) but with voids and no data areas. Finally, I put the result together with the bathymetry and clip all to the desired area. I do this for several ~1/2-3/4M km2 areas.

My problem is when I try to use the shaders, whether custom or standard - the bathymetric data is not displayed.

I know that the whole data is there, as I can see it in the view of the working area, and when I use the Slope Direction Shader, which shows all data.
I've been looking what could be the problem, but I didn't find the magic button.

Thanks in advance! 


  • ok - found a similar threat --- Tools > Configuration > Vertical Options > unclick "Show Water on Elevation Data"