Global Mapper 18 Beta Questions

Rayna Winters
Rayna Winters Global Mapper UserTrusted User
edited March 2019 in Technical Support

In order to keep the GM18 beta organized we will be maintaining this thread for functionality questions. Please feel free to post here with questions about intended features, functionality and user interface. As always, if you encounter a technical issue, crash, or other bug please make sure to e-mail so I can make sure development is informed promptly.

Let’s start off with an anticipated topic.

New Dockable Overlay Control Center

The Overlay Control Center has had a few functionality improvements. First and foremost, you will see it docked to the left hand side of the screen. If you prefer a floating Overlay Control Center you can grab the top of the panel and drag it out of the docked position instead.

Many of the Overlay Control center right click options have been organized. Anything specifically relating to a layer, such as the options or the metadata, are available by right clicking on the specific layer in question. General options for the whole workspace or Overlay Control Center settings are available on the top-tier of the treeview.

When you have a layer selected and wish to perform a function on that layer, such as exporting that layer to a new file, there is a layer menu that you can use with your current layer selection.

One noted enhancement to the Overlay Control Center is the ability to drag a layer to reorder it in the list. Additionally we have enhance the Control Center to render in either Top-first order, where the topmost layer listed is drawn first (GM Classic Style) or Bottom-first order, where the bottom layer is drawn first and additional layers are drawn on top. This toggle is available by right-clicking on the control center with no data selected
