Capture screen contents to image
I use "File, Capture screen contents to image" to create images of my data to insert into reports, which I assume is the best way to do it. I find if I use the Default Size it comes out as it looks on screen (except the resolution is a bit poor), but if I increase the size the Scale Bar and North Arrow get moved. Is this a bug?
It should be possible to increase the resolution of the image without having things moved.
If you are using Global Mapper 17 or higher, you can use the Map Layout Editor to more precisely control the position of elements like the scale bar and north arrow, and then print the layout, write it to an image file, or export it to a PDF file.
Bob -
I have used MapInfo for about 15 years. It was a big leap for me to move to Global Mapper. I am impressed with many parts of Global Mapper, but the fact that "File, Capture screen contents to image" basically does not work at anything but the Default Size is a major bug. Can't this be fixed? I don't want to got through the steps of going into Map Layout Editor as I save images out of GIS and directly paste them into Microsoft Word reports. The further problem is that Map Layout Editor is also buggy. I find that objects get moved or look different when I write to an image file from this for example.
When you "Capture Screen Contents to Image" and change the size of the output image, that does not necessarily change the size of the Workspace Layout elements (scale bar, north arrow, etc.). The sizes of those elements are defined in the Workspace Layout Settings, and the definitions are limited in scope. When I ran a quick test, I found that when I increased the size of the output image, the layout elements got smaller relative to the size of the image, but did not change location. (The size of my elements was defined as "Original Pixel Size".) Are you seeing something different?
These limitations are part of the reason we introduced the Map Layout Editor. It allows you to have more control over the size and location of layout elements, as well as the bounds and scale of the map data that is included, although it is intended more for creating paper or PDF maps than exporting to an image.
If you are running into bugs using the Map Layout Editor, please provide a detailed description of your workflow and results, along with a workspace file and data that can reproduce the problem, in an e-mail to Blue Marble Geographics Support ( and the support team will investigate accordingly.
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