Global Mapper v25.0

Fix 'Rip/Tear' in Elevation Grid

Is there a way for me to draw in parts of an elevation grid?
When I generated the grid there were some holes left.
I've attached a pic of the 'tear'
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Anyone have an idea?
    I'd appreciate some help on this.

  • bmg_bob
    bmg_bob Global Mapper Programmer

    If you are not getting a response here, I recommend that you send an e-mail describing your workflow and the results, with a copy of your sample data, to Blue Marble Geographics support (  This will ensure that the support team sees the problem and can provide you with a timely response.  Thank you.


  • Mykle
    Mykle Global Mapper User Trusted User
    When you create an elevation grid from 3D Vector data, you select your choices from the Elevation Grid Creation Options dialog. 

    If you use the choice "Automatically Determine Optimal Grid Spacing", then you can select the resulting grid and inspect the details using the Metadata button.  The Pixel Width and Height values may be interesting if your grid winds up with holes. 

    The choice "Manually Specify the Grid Spacing to Use" may be useful by specifying smaller values for X- and Y-axis. 

    If your final results still have holes, and you don't have very many of them, you can create a grid of points in a spreadsheet and assign a constant elevation, then save the points in a text file.  Each point will have X, Y, and Z values, with Z constant (unless you want to do a lot of fiddling).  Import the text file and create an elevation grid from your points (all elevations will be the same unless you fiddled). 

    Arrange your layers so your new grid shows through the holes in your main grid.  Then export the elevation data to a new file.  Data from both grids will be included in the new file.  Import the new grid file and continue with your project.