Elevation Grid is locking up software
Hello, I'm trying to "Create Elevation grid from 3D Vector" but my area is quite large and quite detailed.
See attached file for screenshot.
After 18 hours I was only at 35% and it appeared to completely lock up.
I could tile it and it would work but the problem is that when I export the tiles at GeoTIFFs for import into Terragen it does not handle the seems well at all...
Is there a way to export a less detailed version as a single file and see if that is still workable for my purposes?
Any and all help would be appreciated.
See attached file for screenshot.
After 18 hours I was only at 35% and it appeared to completely lock up.
I could tile it and it would work but the problem is that when I export the tiles at GeoTIFFs for import into Terragen it does not handle the seems well at all...
Is there a way to export a less detailed version as a single file and see if that is still workable for my purposes?
Any and all help would be appreciated.
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