Path Profile Function Set up.
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I was wondering if there is a way for the path profile function to retain the last preferred setting so there is no need to "set it up" for every single line that I want to extract the profile off.
For instance if I have 50x lines that I want to extract the profile of, at say 5m spacing and if I do not want the profile to interpolate elevations to fill any no data regions then I any have to tell GM to do that for every line individually.
Otherwise, if I do not do the above functions for all lines, then the profile will be extracted with the "default" settings, which means it will be made of 1024 points, and with interpolated values where there is a lack of elevation data.
The only function that is oddly retained is setting the terrain color...
I am running v16.2
Thanks all.
I was wondering if there is a way for the path profile function to retain the last preferred setting so there is no need to "set it up" for every single line that I want to extract the profile off.
For instance if I have 50x lines that I want to extract the profile of, at say 5m spacing and if I do not want the profile to interpolate elevations to fill any no data regions then I any have to tell GM to do that for every line individually.
Otherwise, if I do not do the above functions for all lines, then the profile will be extracted with the "default" settings, which means it will be made of 1024 points, and with interpolated values where there is a lack of elevation data.
The only function that is oddly retained is setting the terrain color...
I am running v16.2
Thanks all.
You can select all of your lines, then right-click and choose Analysis/Measurement | PATH PROFILE - Generate Path Profile Along Line(s).
Bob -
sorry I think I did not get my point across.
What I want to do is:
1) Load GM
2) Select line -> right click -> analysis measurement ->path profile -> generate path profile
3) File->Save CSV, XZ , ... etc
However the default path profile spacing setup is set to "sample elevations at fixed number of regularly spaced locations" every time I run the path profile action which means the above process has to be with additional steps added:
1) Load GM
2) Select line -> right click -> analysis measurement ->path profile -> generate path profile
3) Path setup -> specify sample count /spacing distance -> and select sample elevations at fixed distance interval (this is the step that I have to repeat every line I want to extract a profile for as my preference is never retained between selected lines)
4) File->Save CSV, XZ , ... etc
What I am puzzled about is that the software keeps on having the default sample count of regularly spaced locations always the default option irrespective of the fact that I have already selected on previous lines to have the extracted elevations to be spaced at fixed distance instead.
Please refer to the image attached as well. What is yellowed, is what I am referring to.
I remember GM retaining my preferences on this card in older versions by the way. I cannot see why it has been dropped.
btw I think there is a glitch in the forum as I have marked the question as not answered however it is ticked as answered?!
y -
When I run Global Mapper 16.2, I find that the Path Profile Spacing Setup options I select are preserved between Global Mapper sessions, and don't need to be changed. What is the build date for your instance of Global Mapper?
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