Convert 2D object to 3d using DTM
I have a large area, over 5000 Square mile. I have all 3D elevation points from Lidar, contours, break lines various format, like shp with attributes to CAD in 3D etc. I can easily create an STM with Bentley Descartes, creating 3D models with Contours and draping of thousand of raster images from billions of points all that in just a few minutes. Right now, I can drape my 2D object on 3D STM to create new 3d objects that way. Works great but sometime need to do a bit more and was looking at Global mapper to do some other manipulation before exporting to 3D. I tried doing the same, with small sections for testing in Global Mapper. All I manage to do is to create 3d lines but all at fixed values like all at elevation of 9 metres??? when the test site is above 500 metres... I tried export with many different format, options... but no luck... Don't know what I am doing wrong!
So 1st need to know if possible and what is the preferred export file format and procedures
2nd need to know if that procedures can be done on such large data sets.
What was your work flow for creating 3D lines?
When you have an elevation grid loaded, you can select your lines with the Digitizer, right-click and choose Analysis/Measurement | Apply Elevations from Terrain Layers to Selected Features(s). You can then export your data to any vector format that supports 3D features, such as shapefile or DXF/DWG.
Bob -
Ahh I see, I was selecting them one by one before, didn't want to do that... with thousands. With digitizer + Ctrl mouse selection, get all... Then right click -used analysis, to get elevation , slope, etc. Thks!
Export looks nice, I used export to Jason, kept all 3D + attributes and my default projection. could also could be use to import 3d water sewer from water cad water gem using default depth, add slope for quick simulation since only estimate depth but that is good enough.. Great! Also, from Jason, could convert to Autodesk Civil and Bentley utility and create 3D model in minutes.. and other for quick simulation, etc. Thks Global mapper!
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