Mass Convertion or exporting GeoTiffs to MBTs
I have a lot of GeoTiffs and I have to convert them to MBT with certain settings. Does anyone know a way to convert them as a group. I have tried the 'Export to web format' but there you can only convert only one at a time and 'Banch converting' won't let me convert to MBT.
IS there a way a to convert Tiffs in a row so I don't have to convert them one by one. I have global mapper 14 and 12.
I have a lot of GeoTiffs and I have to convert them to MBT with certain settings. Does anyone know a way to convert them as a group. I have tried the 'Export to web format' but there you can only convert only one at a time and 'Banch converting' won't let me convert to MBT.
IS there a way a to convert Tiffs in a row so I don't have to convert them one by one. I have global mapper 14 and 12.
I'm not familiar with MBT format. Do you mean MapBox MBTiles? If so, we added regular export of MBTiles in Global Mapper 14.1, and scripted export in Global Mapper 15.2. Batch conversion is still not available. Your best bet is to upgrade to Global Mapper 17 and use a script to export your MBTiles data sets.
Bob -
Thank you for the anwser. Yes I've ment MapBoxTiles.
Right now I only have a v.14 registered. Guess it's one by one then.
Thank you again,
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