How to fix "Error initializing application: Restore toolbar state" error?
Any time I try to open a blank or saved global mapper file, I am presented with this error: "Error initializing application: Restore toolbar state..." (see attached file)
Started happening today w/o a cause I can identify. I downloaded the latest build to see if that'd fix it, but I get the same error. Thanks for any help!!!
Started happening today w/o a cause I can identify. I downloaded the latest build to see if that'd fix it, but I get the same error. Thanks for any help!!!
PS after I click OK-- GM closes out. Can't figure out how to get in to get any work done!
It sounds like some information related to the current location of your toolbars has become corrupted. I suggest that you do the following:- Start the program: regedit (I don't know what version of Windows you are using, but you can probably start it by typing "regedit" in the Start menu search window.
- Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Global Mapper\Settings\Toolbars
- Right-click on "Toolbars" in the tree view on the left and choose Delete.
Bob -
Awesome. Thanks for the quick, clear instructions! It worked.
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