Intersecting Grids / inclined surface
thomas krüger
Global Mapper User
I have geologic setup where stratigraphic layers are all slightly inclined (3°). They are stacked to form a large hill complex whose flanks are mostly covered with debris. Hence there are only few points in the area of interest where the elevations of the layer boundaries are known from outcrops.
What I now want to construct is the hypothetical outcrops all arround the hill by intecting the given terrain model with a flat 3°-inclined artifical surface (grid). How can I manage to get the line of intersection of both grids!?
I have geologic setup where stratigraphic layers are all slightly inclined (3°). They are stacked to form a large hill complex whose flanks are mostly covered with debris. Hence there are only few points in the area of interest where the elevations of the layer boundaries are known from outcrops.
What I now want to construct is the hypothetical outcrops all arround the hill by intecting the given terrain model with a flat 3°-inclined artifical surface (grid). How can I manage to get the line of intersection of both grids!?
Solved! Oversaw "combine/compare terrain layers" option.
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