Georeferencing SRTM grid
Hello, I am new here.
I would like to 'fit' SRTM grid/geotiff digital elevation model with the geodetic points (few thousands of them) that have more reliable height information in order to 'georeference' grid model better, i.e. to distort grid model to fit real data better. Is it possible to do that in GM and if not, any other way for doing that will be much appreciated.
I would like to 'fit' SRTM grid/geotiff digital elevation model with the geodetic points (few thousands of them) that have more reliable height information in order to 'georeference' grid model better, i.e. to distort grid model to fit real data better. Is it possible to do that in GM and if not, any other way for doing that will be much appreciated.
Let me be more precise, is there a way to automatically rectify grid/geotiff to the xyz points? The shift between the points and the grid is not uniform.
When i am open ArcASCII layer of the Western Hemisphere, taken away - the territory of Brazil, the state of Amazonas, the projection of your program carries it into the Gulf of Guinea, the coast of Africa, using layer taken from the Eastern hemisphere's oK ............... Help set up the projection ..........
mg911 said:Hello, I am new here.
I would like to 'fit' SRTM grid/geotiff digital elevation model with the geodetic points (few thousands of them) that have more reliable height information in order to 'georeference' grid model better, i.e. to distort grid model to fit real data better. Is it possible to do that in GM and if not, any other way for doing that will be much appreciated.
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