how to export TIN in globalmapper from lidar data or DEM
how to export TIN in globalmapper from lidar data or DEM.please reply me fast
From Lidar data:- Open the Overlay Control Center
- Select your Lidar data layer
- Right-click and choose "Create Elevation Grid from 3D Vector/Lidar Data"
- Near the bottom, put a check next to "Save Triangulation Network (TIN) as Vector Layer"
- Click OK
- After the grid has been completed, there will also be a TIN layer in the Overlay Control Center
- Select the TIN layer
- Right-click and choose "EXPORT - Export Selected Layer to New File"
Bob -
Could you continue to bullet number 9 as there is no TIN format in the Select Export Format drop-down list...
Regards -
You can save into different formats which is available in the list. but cannot save like *.TIN like in arcgis. because there will be difference in algorithm used for creating TIN in GM and Arcgis for triangulation.
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