Cut and fill areas by color
I'm using the function to flatten parts of a dem based on area feature elevations and it works very well and I can see the cut and fill volumes and area sizes, but, is there a way to show the cut and fill zones with a different color in the main view?
Best regards
I'm using the function to flatten parts of a dem based on area feature elevations and it works very well and I can see the cut and fill volumes and area sizes, but, is there a way to show the cut and fill zones with a different color in the main view?
Best regards
is it possible ? I need a map showing cut and fill zones with a different colour. Thank you -
Hi, since I asked this I actually found a little workaround to do it.
After you created the new flattened elevation grid, you can compare it with the original one using the option to keep the original one when higher then the modified one. At this point you will have yet another grid that is present only in the cut areas. Now, in the options for this layer change the lightness of it to max so it will appear white and do the same for the flattened grid but change it to min so it will be black.
Now you have cut areas in white and fill areas in black.
Best regards
Michele -
thanks for your reply Michele, good idea to proceed like this ! For my part, i did it using the shader tool, trying to reclassify the values in two colours.
Best regards
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