Feathering terrain only on outside edge of LIDAR tile group
Amanda McDermott
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
We are having problems with feathering detailed LIDAR data to wider OS terrain 5, and terrain 50 data.
Because the LIDAR comes as many 1km x 1km .asc files, it feathers the edge of each asc file, resulting in changes of elevation between all of the tiles.
Really what we want it to do is just to feather the outside edge of the whole LIDAR data set to the surrounding terrain, not between the LIDAR tiles.
We can't export the whole LIDAR as a single .asc file and bring back in, because it is too big (nearly 10GB).
Any suggestions, please?
Because the LIDAR comes as many 1km x 1km .asc files, it feathers the edge of each asc file, resulting in changes of elevation between all of the tiles.
Really what we want it to do is just to feather the outside edge of the whole LIDAR data set to the surrounding terrain, not between the LIDAR tiles.
We can't export the whole LIDAR as a single .asc file and bring back in, because it is too big (nearly 10GB).
Any suggestions, please?
Howdy,You can create, and feather to, a perimeter polygon. Feathering to a polygon can be quite slow if it is very complex (as yours seems likely to be), but it doesn't cause data size or memory issues like trying to export the whole thing. The more you can simplify the polygon, the better. Just an idea.Mark
Thank you Mark, this solution seems to work on a small scale, so I will try it on the larger area and see if it scales up!
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