Global Mapper SDK crashes without error
in SDK
Hi I am looking for some help on the global mapper sdk.
I am currently testing the sdk (unlicensed) for displaying point cloud data, just implementing pan/ zoom functions. My solution is contained within wpf by utilising a windows form host and picture box to render the image. It runs ok and can load a layer into the application but if I pan too much occasionally the entire application will crash without an exception or bug report. I am making a lot of calls to the dll wrapper class for re-rendering view changes but even trying to limit the calls per second doesn't seem to reduce the problem or show any errors.
Does anyone know why this is happening, or a way of capturing exceptions or errors from the global mapper dll?
I am currently testing the sdk (unlicensed) for displaying point cloud data, just implementing pan/ zoom functions. My solution is contained within wpf by utilising a windows form host and picture box to render the image. It runs ok and can load a layer into the application but if I pan too much occasionally the entire application will crash without an exception or bug report. I am making a lot of calls to the dll wrapper class for re-rendering view changes but even trying to limit the calls per second doesn't seem to reduce the problem or show any errors.
Does anyone know why this is happening, or a way of capturing exceptions or errors from the global mapper dll?
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