Database Exporting/Saving Database (PostGIS)
Dear GM Team,
I am new in this software. I have this error message attached when I tried to export my sample database files into a new database file, specifically PostGIS. Since I had a hard time saving my edits/alterations in my existing database. Do I really need to export my current edited database into a new one or maybe overwrite the existing database? Do I have an option to just save the edits I made directly to my database file?
Thank your for the assistance.
God bless and more power to you guys!
I am new in this software. I have this error message attached when I tried to export my sample database files into a new database file, specifically PostGIS. Since I had a hard time saving my edits/alterations in my existing database. Do I really need to export my current edited database into a new one or maybe overwrite the existing database? Do I have an option to just save the edits I made directly to my database file?
Thank your for the assistance.
God bless and more power to you guys!
There is no option to save edits directly to your database table. You must create a new table or overwrite an existing one.
With regard to the error message: Your Global Mapper installation directory should have a subdirectory called ogr_csv, which contains the missing file: gcs.csv. Is the directory or file missing?
Bob -
Thanks for the quick response Bob, but the directory or even the file is not missing. How is it possible to have that error?
Again, Thank you. -
Sidoy said:Thanks for the quick response Bob, but the directory or even the file is not missing. How is it possible to have that error?
C:\Program Files (x86)\GlobalMapper17\ogr_csv
(this is 32-bit GM on a 64-bit operating system.)
Bob -
This is the file path on my computer
"C:\Program Files\GlobalMapper17\ogr_csv"
Please see attached image for the files found in that directory..
Thank you,
Sid -
Sidoy said:Bob,
This is the file path on my computer
"C:\Program Files\GlobalMapper17\ogr_csv"
Please see attached image for the files found in that directory..
Bob -
I don't know where to find that GDAL_DATA environment vairable in my PC. But when I tried it again to connect in PostGIS database table, it was successfully connected. I tried also opening ESRI File Geodatabase (GDB), It was also a success. I dont know what happened but I never encountered that error again. Will advise you if that will happen again. Thank you for the quick response and support, Bob.
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