Exporting to Global Mapper Package
I registered for the Global Mapper Self Training and downloaded the data for exercises as given. I don't know if I can ask this here but during the Section 1 of this training, on the part of exporting to Global Mapper Package, Section 1 Step 7 Nos. 13-15, I have this error in exporting. I'm using GM v17.0 +LiDAR with Windows 32-bit Operating System.
Can anyone help me with this?
I have attached the PDF for the instructions of this training also the captured images for the error.
Thank you very much.
Can anyone help me with this?
I have attached the PDF for the instructions of this training also the captured images for the error.
Thank you very much.
I recommend that you download the latest version of Global Mapper 17 and see if you still run into that problem.
Bob -
Thanks Bob. I have this build version "Global Mapper v17.1.2 (b031616) [+Lidar] - REGISTERED" I just downloaded it yesterday. Is it the latest build?
Thank you. -
It worked now!
Thanks Bob.
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