Archive of Installers for Previous Versions? (Require v11.02 64-bit)
Hi, is anyone aware of an archive for downloading installers for previous versions?
My installation of v11.02 64-bit seems to have corrupted after 5 years of faithful service. I was going to remove it and re-install to see if it fixed the issue, however I can't find an installer file for this anywhere.
If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be very much appreciated!
Thanks, Tim.
My installation of v11.02 64-bit seems to have corrupted after 5 years of faithful service. I was going to remove it and re-install to see if it fixed the issue, however I can't find an installer file for this anywhere.
If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be very much appreciated!
Thanks, Tim.
Hello Tim,
Blue Marble Geographics does not maintain an archive of installers for old versions of Global Mapper. If you have questions, or want more information on this topic, please send an e-mail to
Bob -
Oh that's a shame, usually software companies have this facility available on their website (or can at least supply the file on request).
If anyone in the user community happens to have saved a copy of the v11.02 64-bit installer file, please let me know - I'd really appreciate a copy!
Thanks for the reply Bob.
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