Global Mapper 16.2 (latest download) : "Error C++ error embedding overlay <filename> Exception: Bad
Global Mapper User
Have a National Hydrography Dataset that I'm working on. It's been simplified in GM. And now I'm "sorting" it by creating a field, to which I put an "x" on the 'good' rivers I want to show. So I select, edit the field, add the attribute, then continue.
That's been working for awhile. But now if I have the workspace open for awhile, I get an error when trying to save the workspace. The layer (a shape file) exports out to a new .shp just fine. But again, after working for awhile, I get the error message:
"The following error were encountered saving the workspace:
Error C++ error embedding overlay <filename> Exception: Bad Allocation"
The shape file is not open anywhere else. The PC that GM is running is freshly rebooted. New machine, plenty of RAM, etc.
Anybody help me out?
That's been working for awhile. But now if I have the workspace open for awhile, I get an error when trying to save the workspace. The layer (a shape file) exports out to a new .shp just fine. But again, after working for awhile, I get the error message:
"The following error were encountered saving the workspace:
Error C++ error embedding overlay <filename> Exception: Bad Allocation"
The shape file is not open anywhere else. The PC that GM is running is freshly rebooted. New machine, plenty of RAM, etc.
Anybody help me out?
I recommend that you contact Blue Marble Geographics Support directly by sending a e-mail to Please include a detailed description of your workflow, and the error message you are getting. The support team will have a better idea whether or not anyone else has reported this same problem, and if we have a fix available.
Bob -
Hi Bob,
Yup, already sent them the same thing. It seems to be with the one large .shp file. It's a slightly modified version of the NHD Plus file for the Lower 48 states. Seems like a memory issue.
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