Has the Course Line orientation issue when using Orient View to GPS Heading been identified / fixed?
Global Mapper User
in GPS Features
Problem: Course Line continues to point as if in North up view when Orient View to GPS Heading is selected.
What version of Global Mapper are you using? Do you have a bug number for that problem? I don't see anything in our task list that seems to cover problems with GPS orientation.
Bob -
Hi Bob,
17.1 but I have not been in the field since updating.
No bug number - Noticed the problem when the feature was introduced in v16. Thought it was about time I posted something about it.
Eric -
Since I don't see a bug in our system, I suggest giving it a try in 17.1 to see if it has been fixed. (Sometimes problems get fixed without a bug report if a developer just notices it during testing.) If you still see the problem, send an e-mail including your workflow and data (if necessary) to geohelp@bluemarblegeo.com.
Bob -
Thanks Bob - I will do that.
Hi Bob,
Sorry for the delay - I tested in 17.1 and same issue. I have sent an email as you suggested.
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