Path profile .csv export problem
Using a DTM and an imported coordinate list (ID,coord_north,coord_east) as a polyline I wanted to export the Path profile in .csv format as usual.
In lower versions the last column 'segment index' contained a value that could be used to separate and identify points according segments (between vertices of the polyline).
Right now in the latest edition all the values in the 'segment index' are "0".
What should I do to get those values as previously? Is this a bug, or must I handle my data somehow different to get the same result as previously?
In lower versions the last column 'segment index' contained a value that could be used to separate and identify points according segments (between vertices of the polyline).
Right now in the latest edition all the values in the 'segment index' are "0".
What should I do to get those values as previously? Is this a bug, or must I handle my data somehow different to get the same result as previously?
What previous version of Global Mapper were you using when the 'segment index' column contained the correct values? You say that you are using the "latest" version now, which I assume is Global Mapper 17.1. Is this correct?
Bob -
I have opened bug 17522 to address this problem. We will post a message on this thread when the status of the bug changes.
bmg_bob said:Hello,
What previous version of Global Mapper were you using when the 'segment index' column contained the correct values? You say that you are using the "latest" version now, which I assume is Global Mapper 17.1. Is this correct?
Yes, I downloaded today the latest from your webpage (64bit version).
Hello bmg_bob,
in the version 17.1 it is working again, almost perfectly
In my test, the "segment_id" starts from value "0" (should be "1")
continues in ascending order, but the last segment_id value skips, and shows the value as if the segment numbering would have started from "1".
Hello,laczka said:In my test, the "segment_id" starts from value "0" (should be "1")
continues in ascending order, but the last segment_id value skips, and shows the value as if the segment numbering would have started from "1".
In my testing, I am not seeing the segment index value skip at the end. My test case has four segments and four segment index values. Is it possible that the line you are using has an extra, very short segment at the end?
Bob -
yes in v13 it started from 1.
I have tested it on an older project with the exactly same 16 segment polyline (imported from a coord list), and same DEM.
laczka said:yes in v13 it started from 1.
I have tested it on an older project with the exactly same 16 segment polyline (imported from a coord list), and same DEM.
You have a 16-segment polyline.
In v13, the segment index values go from 1 to 16.
In v17, the segment values go from 0 to 16.
Is this correct?
If so, can you post your data and workspace here in a zip archive so we can use it to see why the index value jumps at the end?
Bob -
Hello Bob,
yes, basically that is correct.
In v13 the values go from 1 to 16.
In v17.1 the values go from 0 to 14 and skip to 16.
(The only difference as I remember, was that in the v17.1 cross section the node points were included too, but this should not cause this. The segments seemed to contain the same points in between the turnpoints.)
I am going to be out of office the next week and all my data is in there.
I will get back to you with the sample data ASAP.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Bob,
On this link you can find a point list with 30 nodes. (The points were imported as line - you get a closed polyline. The path profiles were made from this.)
Two path profiles (set to 100000 vertices) with same settings, using SRTM database - V13 and v17.1
The "problem" is the same as above.
Hi Lac,
Thank you for posting the data. I have reproduced the problem, and reopened bug #17522. We will post a message on this thread when the bug has been resolved.
Bob -
I have fixed the issue so the segment indices should now start counting at 1 like before and circular paths don't push you to the last segment as before. I have placed new builds with the latest changes at for you to try.
Global Mapper Guru
Thanks gentlemen, it seems to work fine!
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