Question about index numbers
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
in Vector Data
I'm trying to create unique identifiers for a layer that contains points, areas and lines. I was going to use Calc Attr to create an attribute called Index in Study from the value in the <Index in Layer> attribute, but then I discovered that even when all the features are in one layer, GM assigns index numbers by feature description; so, for example, within the same layer there are three index numbers of 0: one for the first point, one for the first line, and one for the first area. Is there any way to change that so every feature in a layer gets a unique identifier based just upon the total number of features in a layer?
Best Answer
I have added feature request #17454 so that we can evaluate adding a unique index for each feature in a layer to a future version of Global Mapper. We will post a message on this thread when the status of the feature request changes.
Hi, is this possible now?
No, it's still not possible--index numbers still based on feature type
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