How to create Elevation Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) in Global Mapper?
Good evening.
I have a DEM file and I want to create a TIN with the elevation data, but did not find this option yet. The only way to do this is to create Elevation Grid from contours and tick a specific option there about "Creating TIN in seperated layer" or something like that (sorry for not remembering, the pc is not near me). By this option i cannot control some parameters like the number of triangles, the maximum length of each vector etc. Also this method requiers contours, so I need to Generate them from DEM and this takes more time.
Please, any help?
Thank you!
I have a DEM file and I want to create a TIN with the elevation data, but did not find this option yet. The only way to do this is to create Elevation Grid from contours and tick a specific option there about "Creating TIN in seperated layer" or something like that (sorry for not remembering, the pc is not near me). By this option i cannot control some parameters like the number of triangles, the maximum length of each vector etc. Also this method requiers contours, so I need to Generate them from DEM and this takes more time.
Please, any help?
Thank you!
P.S. I found the method Exporting 3d Surface data, but the result is in square elements, not triangles!
DEM data, by definition, are a rectangular grid of values.
These data are probably the RESULT of creating a grid FROM a TIN.
If your "DEM" is really something different, my statement would not be accurate.
However, you say that your "TIN" is square elements, so it sounds like you do have a DEM.
If you need further information, we'll need to know more about what you need to do with the TIN.
Thanks Mykle for your answer.
I think DEM means Digital Elevation Model and does not has to do with the grid.
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