Batch saving of data
I'm working on transect lines for aireal surveys. What I want to do is to save and export all data for all line vectors (like coordinates for start and stop vertrices for each line, distances and bearings for each flight line) by selecting all line vectors. So far I been using the "copy to clipboard" option for each single line within a survey area. This is, however, time consuming as this procedure typically involves more than 100 lines for each survey area. Is there any alternative to extract such data for all transects as text files or similar for further us in Excel or similar?
If you right click with the editor tool activated, the last item is "Options". Switch off all other, but retain "select from line features". You can then select all of your line features only.
The problem is not to select all items. The question is how to export all the values (coordinates, length and bearings) to for example Excel. By using the search function , only the length of lines and bearings is added to the list that can be exported to a CSV-file. The coordinates are not included.
Sorry I misunderstood your question.
GM only exports data to csv for point data features.
You may use "Select all features" for all your line features, . Then, using the edit tool and choosing "Advanced feature creation" tool to "create points spaced along selected features" from the selected line features. You may use the "Sample endpoints only" choice in your situation.
In order to get coordinate information for your new points as attributes, you may then use the "Attribute/Style" function to add the coordinates as attributes to your points.
You may then export the point data to a csv file.
It may seem complicated, but is actually easy and fast to do.
BTW, I am using GM v.17 -
Thanks Hennie, I'm using GM 17 too (began to use it recently thats why I ask questions to speed up my skill process). That will solve it. Another possible way to do it is simply select all lines in the layer and then chose Export - XYZ (simple ASCII) *.txt. By the way do you know how to reproject from a datum (I´m using SWEREF99) to WGS84 . I can´t find it WGS84 in the droplist where you chose projection. If you add WGS84, using the button ADD DATUM to existing SWEREF99 nothing happens. To convert to WGS84 using the Coordinate converter is time consuming. Do have any tip to come around this?
Lemel, I think the best way to go about this, is to start GM without loading data. Then go to the configuration/Projection and choose Geographic (Lat/Lon) as your projection. Then you choose Datum/WGS84.
Then add your data. It should show up as reprojected in WGS84. You may then export the data in that projection (remember to create a world file). -
Thank you Hennie, I found a way by exporting to the KML-format used by Google Earth, then all the Start and Stop coordinates for the lines are transformed to requested format like 58 11.804098 N 11 24.344348 E
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