Why even when I create a new type feature as a ferry route, I need to select them everytime from men
im selecting just structures that I already create a feature type, but everytime that I choose one, I need to select feature type, feature layer, sometimes even the feature style and the far bottom check option "Automatically apply these settings to new features of the same type" is not highlighted to be used? I hope you can help me, cause this setting will cut a lot of extra steps that I need to make in order to select those structures.
What version of Global Mapper are you using? Are you using the latest release of your version? If you are using Global Mapper 16 or 17, you can get the latest release here.
Are you creating new features, or editing existing ones?
If you are editing new features, then the check box to "Automatically apply these settings to new features of the same type" should be available for use.
If you are editing existing layers, then you should select all of the features you want to change to the same feature type, the right-click and choose Edit Selected Features. On the Modify Selected Features dialog, you can change the feature type, layer, etc. for all of the features at once.
Hi, Bmg_bob, thanks a lot for your answer but,Im using global mapper 17, I created a Feature type, I called edificaciones, which already has the colors and font style that i need, but It will be amazing if you could just choose the type feature and choose the layer where it goes once, without having to do this step every time, since the automatic apply these settings is not highlighted to be choose.
Are you creating new features or editing existing ones?
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