Global Mapper v25.0

Trying to import a .grd from QINSy, which file format?

Which file format should I be importing a grid of bathymetry elevations exported from quinsy as?


  • bmg_bob
    bmg_bob Global Mapper Programmer
    What version of Global Mapper are you using?

    I don't know what the underlying format of that file type is.  According to their web site, QINSy can export ASCII ArcView Grid and GeoTIFF grid files, both of which can be imported by Global Mapper.  Can you get your file in one of those formats?
  • Using v16.1
    I can't see either of these options in the Select Overlay Type menu. The closest I can see is Arc/Info ASCII Grid which doesn't work, neither does GeoTIFF. Is there any file examiner tool I can use to check what type of .grd format the file is in? The QINSy operators I work with do not know of a specific format that QINSy exports these type of files in.
  • bmg_bob
    bmg_bob Global Mapper Programmer
    Global Mapper can import the following file types that have a .grd extension:

    Geosoft Grid (32-bit Float Vals)
    Geosoft Grid (16-bit Int Vals)
    RockWorks Grid
    Surfer Grid (ASCII Format)
    Surfer Grid (Binary V6 Format)
    Surfer Grid (Binary V7 Format)

    If the file you are trying to import does not work as any of these formats, and you can't get the file in an Arc/Info ASCII Grid or GeoTIFF, then it appears that Global Mapper can not import this data.