Export Legend as png
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I would like to know if there is an option to export the legend as png, just the legend.
I know I can export my data to PNG and click on "Save scale/Elevation Legend/Grid if Displayed", but that's not what I want. I need is to export the legend as it is to PNG keeping the transparency.
I'm using this legend in png to create a KML and then export my data to KMZ and use that KML as template to show legend. Is it possible to export my data along with the legend to KMZ directly?
I would like to know if there is an option to export the legend as png, just the legend.
I know I can export my data to PNG and click on "Save scale/Elevation Legend/Grid if Displayed", but that's not what I want. I need is to export the legend as it is to PNG keeping the transparency.
I'm using this legend in png to create a KML and then export my data to KMZ and use that KML as template to show legend. Is it possible to export my data along with the legend to KMZ directly?
If you are exporting a raster KML/KMZ file, then there is an option to include the workspace layout elements (legend, scale, etc.) in your KMZ file on the export options screen. That same option is not available when exporting vector KML/KMZ. We don't currently have a way to save the legend itself as a PNG file (you can save it as a BMP, though.)
I'm exporting vector, therefore the "raster" KMZ option is not what I need. How do I export the legend as bmp?
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